I Love Wil Wheaton (a.k.a. Why I Wish I Had Been at Phoenix Comicon 2010)
Phoenix Comicon was this past weekend, and I wish I had been there. I say this every year actually. It looks like one hell of a good time. Why? Because they have things like a zombie beauty pageant, and Stan Lee. And oh yeah, Wil Wheaton totally turning into a rockstar as he plays Rock Band on a stage with his fans. Yes, you read that right. And now you probably wish you had been there too.
Here are links to some of the YouTube videos Wil posted to his blog from the Rock Band session:
Poker Face (this one features Felicia Day and glowsticks, ’nuff said)
Don’t Stop Believin (Wil is on guitar for this one)
And Wil didn’t post this one, but I found it on YouTube and wanted to share:
Wil plays drums with ghostbusters to “Ghostbusters”
So, consider this my official plea for someone to fly me out to Arizona for Phoenix Comicon 2011, okay? I. Want. To. Go.