Articles in the Convention News Category
Convention News, Convention Related, Press Releases »
Anime California announces Kira Buckland and Cherami Leigh Kuehn
Orange County, CA – November 21, 2013 – The hottest anime convention to crash-land in the Los Angeles area, Anime California, announced today that Kira Buckland and Cherami Leigh will be attending the 2014 convention. Anime California will be held from August 22-24, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Orange County. Over 4,000 anime fans are expected to converge on the
Convention News, Press Releases »
Blizzcon happening this weekend
IRVINE, Calif.—November 5, 2013—BlizzCon® 2013, Blizzard Entertainment’s two-day gaming festival, makes a long-awaited return on Friday, November 8, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. The sold-out show celebrates all things geek, featuring sneak peeks at what’s going on behind the scenes at Blizzard Entertainment. This year’s BlizzCon includes discussion panels with Blizzard developers; community cosplayers; and Duncan Jones, director of
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Anime Midwest adds two guests.

Rosemont, Illinois – October 30, 2014 – Anime Midwest 2014 is excited to announce that voice actors Laura Post and Michelle Ann Dunphy will be attending the fourth annual Chicago anime convention. Anime Midwest will be held July 4-6, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare and Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. Over 8,000 cosplayers and anime fans are expected
Convention News, Press Releases »
Virtual Idol Hatsune Miku returns to perform at Pacific Media Expo 2013

LOS ANGELES, CA — Pacific Media Expo will be holding an unofficial concert featuring the virtual divas Hatsune Miku, Gumi, and Yuzuki Yukari. Brought by Sythesized Reality Productions, the Hatsune Miku concert will be free for all badge holders but since concert space is limited, attendees are urged to purchase their PMX2013 badges soon. The concert will be from 4:30pm
Convention News, Press Releases »
Richard Epcar to attend Otakon Vegas
Las Vegas, NV (October 11, 2013) – Otakon Vegas welcomes one of the hardest working actor/directors in show business, having voiced over 300 characters in Games, Animation and Anime. He is best known as the voice of Batou in Ghost in the Shell, The Joker in several Batman games including Injustice: Gods Among Us and Ansem in Kingdom Hearts. Starting
Convention News, Press Releases »
Anime California announces Hyatt Regency Orange County as host location

Orange County, CA – October 6th 2013 – Anime California, an exciting new anime convention, has announced they will be hosting their 2014 convention at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Orange County, on August 22 – 24, 2014. “The Hyatt Regency Orange County was our first choice, and we are very happy to be able to host Anime California at such
Convention News, Featured, Press Releases, Steampunk »
Anime Midwest adds Frenchy and the Punk, and Chris Patton

Minneapolis, MN – September 27, 2013 – Anime Midwest in Chicago is excited to announce two more guests will be joining them in 2014: steampunk musicians Frenchy and the Punk and voice actor Chris Patton. Frenchy at the Punk will be part of Anime Midwest’s epic concert series headlined by Steam Powered Giraffe. Convention attendees can see both FnP and
Convention News, Headline »
Carrie Fischer Guest at Star Wars Celebration Europe

Carrie Fischer, better known as the bad ass Princess Leia to Star Wars fans, will be a Guest at the 2013 Star Wars Celebration Europe this July. Fischer was only 19 when she played Princess Leia Organa, setting the gold standard for strong princesses with attitude. She is scheduled for greeting fans, signing autographs, and will appear on stage for
Convention News, Featured »
Katie Cook and Andy Price Guests at Bronycon 2013

Heads up My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fans! Bronycon 2013, among it’s other stupendous guests, will have Katie Cook and Andy Price; the creative team behind the MLP comic book’s first four issue story arc. Katie Cook wrote the script for issues 1-4 of the My Little Pony comic, which picks up after the events of the season 2
Convention News »
C2E2 Goes Mobile!

This weekend, April 26-28, is the 2013 Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo. The convention, known more commonly as C2E2, is Chicago’s big pop culture event of the year. There are a bunch of Guests and exciting events scheduled. And you’ve got one day until ticket prices go up. With fan conventions this big, it can be hard to keep track
Convention News »
Boston Comic Con Canceled Due to City Wide Lock Down

An update to current events. At 10:00am Eastern Standard Time, Boston Comic Con announced that their event this weekend is canceled. The city is on total lock down, no one in or out, while authorities search Boston for their suspects for Monday’s bombing of the Boston Marathon. Here’s the statement posted by the convention: Due to the unfortunate events that
Convention News, Costuming/Cosplay »
Boston Comic Con Still On For This Weekend [updated April 19]

Update: at 10:am EST Boston Comic Con canceled their event. Boston is on lock down while police hunt for the suspects. Boston Comic Con is postponed until further notice. Hello all. The Boston Comic Con will still be happening this weekend, despite the bombing earlier this week of the Boston Marathon. If that seems callous to you please remember that
Convention News, Featured »
Voting Live for 2013 Stumptown Comics Art Awards

Just checked my FaceBook and found a post from Cullen Bun (Sixth Gun, The Damned, etc.) reminding us all that Stumptown Comics Fest has opened voting for their 2013 Comic Arts Awards Stumptown is a creator-centered comic convention in Portland, Oregon. The convention puts the focus on the people working in their own worlds, as opposed to back issue dealers
Convention News, Press Releases »
Press Release: Meta Con Announces Power Rangers Stars Jason Faunt and Jessica Rey
Convention News, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Anime-zing! announces Cristina Vee and Trevor Mueller
Convention News »
CombatCon Needs You to Make Their 2012 Event a Reality
CombatCon was new for 2011, mixing steampunk programming with horror, fantasy, and science fiction events and connecting them all with the western martial arts. They’re using a new online fundraising tool to call on convention fans to help them meet the basic costs so they can hold a second event in 2012.
Convention News, Press Releases »
Press Release: New for Star Wars Celebration VI – The “As You Wish” Charity Project
Convention News »
Sailor Moon’s Terri Hawkes to Make USA Debut at Florida Anime Experience 2012
Convention News, Costuming/Cosplay »
New York Comic Con Extends Masquerade Deadline Due to Hurricane Irene
Convention News, Press Releases »
Press Release: Geoff Johns and Jim Lee to be Guest of Honor at New York Comic Con
Convention News, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews, Upcoming Conventions »
Nimoy Retires From Conventions, October Marks His Final Appearence
Convention News »
SDCC 2011 Wrap Up
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Animinicon SoHo Announces Guests, Screenings, Dealers and More.
Convention Advice, Convention News, Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Steampunk at SDCC 2011
his week is the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con. As, uh, you may have noticed. Among the comic books and other pop culture fare is a thread of steampunkery woven by various local groups. Here’s a quick look at the various steampunk events, panels, artists, signings, etc. available to the intrepid congoer for 2011.
Convention News, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Peter S. Beagle to return to Otakon 2011
Convention News, Press Releases »
Press Release: Locke & Key Extravaganza at San Diego Comic Con 2011
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos to World Premier at Otakon 2011
Convention News, Press Releases »
Press Release: Great Allentown Comic Con Returns July 16 With Sold Out Dealers Room
Convention News »
Comic-Con Exclusives 2011, Round Two
With the 2011 SDCC next month, companies are beginning to announce the exclusives. Some are ones you may be expecting, others may come as a surprise. In Round One, we gave the skinny on three companies’ Comic Con exclusives; Hallmark, Action Figure Xpress, and NCSoft’s City of Heroes. Here’s round two, with even more exclusive goodies soon to be yours at ComicCon.
Convention News, Press Releases »
Press Release: Warner Bros. To Throw “Key Party” at Comic-Con 2011
Convention News, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews »
Sogen Con Looking for a Kickstart
SogenCon has been a small anime convention in South Dakota for several years. The con averages around 600 or so people a year. It is run by Otaku Incorporated, a non-profit group. They are having a Kickstarter fundraiser to help cover their costs for this year. They are looking for $15,000 in donations. If they do not receive this amount the con will most likely not happen this year.
Convention News »
SDCC and Studios – Is the Love Affair Over?
The buzz is that the major movie studios are looking to avoid Comic Con 2011 in San Diego this year. Film such as Sucker Punch, Tron and Scott Pilgrim were heavily advertised at SDCC last year…who could forget the 30 story Scott Pilgrim banner that took the whole side of the Hilton on the Bay Front? It was impressive at the time, but it did not translate at the box office.
Convention News, Convention Related, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews, Upcoming Conventions »
So You Got a Ticket to San Diego Comic Con
If you were born with a higher midi-chlorian count than others and were able to sense the madness that would be Comic Con ticket sales 2011, you bought your tickets way early during Comic Con 2010. In fact, so many purchased their tickets in advance that all 4-Day passes with Preview night were sold out before the convention concluded its run on Sunday evening.
Convention News, Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Online Registration for Gaslight Gathering Closes Saturday
Convention News, Feedback & Con Reports, On Site Convention Coverage, Steampunk »
Steampunk Convention Debuts in Oklahoma City: A Report from the Oklahoma Steampunk Exposition
Convention News, Convention Related »
Update to the Rob Granito Story: Granito Sends Out Press Release and His Interview Fees
Convention News, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews »
Rob Granito Called a Fraud, Banned From Conventions

There’s been a storm of rage gusting through fandom recently, all directed at one Rob Granito. It began last week with a Bleeding Cool article and culminated in a verbal smackdown delivered at MegaCon by the irate Mark Waid and Ethan Van Sciver. Now several conventions, including Wizard World, have dropped Mr. Granito.
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Gaslight Gathering Annouces Time Traveler’s Masked Ball
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Farpoint 2011 Convention Report – You Should Have Been There
Convention News »
$25,000 in Cosplay Contest Prizes to be Awarded at Anime Expo 2011
Who said you can’t make money in fandom? Clearly whoever said such tings has’t heard about the amazing prizes being offered up at Anime Expo 2011. Anime Expo, the largest anime and manga convention in North America, attracts tens of thousands of costumed fans each year. And for 2011, there will be $25,000 in cash and prizes up for grabs, to celebrate the convention’s 20th anniversary.
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The Florida Anime Experience, a New Florida Anime Convention, Announced for May 2011
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New Vampire Diaries Convention Announced for March 2011
All things vampire continue to be extremely popular in the fandom convention market. EyeCon, the convention company that has had TrueBlood and Twilight conventions thus far, has just announced a Vampire Diaries convention to debut in March 2011. EyeCon The Vampire Diaries will be held March 25 – 27, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Westin Atlanta Airport hotel. The
Convention News, Upcoming Conventions »
Anime Detour Announces Guests For 2011
Anime Detour is a fan run convention dedicated to Japanese animation, manga, video games and culture. The convention’s organizers work hard to bring in people from all over the Anime universe as well as local talent from Minnesota; artists, writers, fan guests, voice actors, producers, directors, and such.
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San Diego Comic-Con Announces First Wave of Special Guests for 2011
Convention News, Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
New Steampunk Conventions For 2011

With its increasing popularity, steampunk has gained stronger footholds in the mainstreams of fandom around the world, allowing for more and more conventions dedicated entirely to this speculative fiction genreand subculture. The year 2010 saw at least two new steampunk conventions opening their doors: SteamWrights in Bremerton, Washington, and Convencion Steampunk BCN in Barcelona, Spain.
Convention News »
Lawyers for Anime Expo Sending Out Cease and Desist Letters to Other Anime Cons
Not a week goes by where we don’t get reports of convention drama. Most of the time I really prefer to keep The Convention Fans Blog out of it. After all, we’re a blog for fans of conventions, not a blog for con organizers specifically. However, now and then the drama erupts into full blown news, news that I think will be of interest to even the more casual convention goers.
Convention News »
Hollywood Xpo to Host Heroes Reunion
Hollywood Xpo, a brand new pop culture convention based in California, is getting a lot of attention these days, especially for its ever growing guest list. Thus far it includes over 100 stars, including the iconic comics creator Stan Lee and legendary science fiction and fantasy author Ray Bradbury.
Convention News, Steampunk »
Steampunk World’s Fair to Host “Frozen in Time: A Steampunk Celebration”
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Bruce Campbell and 25 Other Guests to Attend Weekend of Horrors II
One of the most notable celebs on the guest list is none other than “the man” Bruce Campbell. He’s known for his role as Ash in the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness movies (although we’re big fans of his show Burn Notice as well). Joining him are 25 other celebs, including Clive Barker, Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery (known for The Boondock Saints), Sid Haig, Jeffrey Combs (also of Star Trek fame, but known for Re-Animator), and several others.
Convention News, Upcoming Conventions »
Star Trek Online Players Offered 2-for-1 Ticket Discount to Hollywood Xpo Convention
If you are one of the few still playing Star Trek Online (STO), then you should have received a special offer e-mail today from Cryptic Studios. Players of the game are being given the opportunity to take advantage of a special discount on tickets to the Hollywood Xpo convention. STO players can buy one ticket to Hollywood Xpo, and get a second ticket for free.
Convention News »
Creation to Hold Official Star Trek Convention in Arizona
Yesterday Creation Entertainment, the only company authorized to hold official Star Trek conventions, announced that they would be returning to Phoenix, Arizona in 2011. For those who may not know, the year 2011 marks the 45th anniversary of Star Trek. Creation is celebrating that milestone with additional cities added to their official Star Trek convention tour.
Convention News »
Florida Convention FX International Has Been Cancelled
ep, it’s official. FX International, an Orlando convention that had Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy as a guest just last year, has been cancelled. FX International had previously announced that they were back on for October 16 – 17, 2010 at the Gaylord Palms back in April of this year. In fact, CreatureCon, another Florida convention, actually moved the dates for their event out of deference to FX.
Convention News, Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Steamcon II Convention to Celebrate “American Steampunk”
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Cast from the Horror Flick Human Centipede to Appear at Big Apple Comic Con
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Whedon Fest Cancelled Just Three Weeks Before Convention
Sorry Joss Whedon fans, Whedon Fest has been cancelled. It was originally scheduled to be held in Toronto, Canada, on October 1 – 3, 2010. At least attendees who paid are getting a refund, which is surprising. Many conventions that fold this close to the event aren’t as lucky (like in the JumpCon fiasco from a few years back).
Convention News, Upcoming Conventions »
Ba-Con, An Ohio Convention Dedicated to Geeks and Bacon, to Happen July 2011
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Eliza Dushku to Attend Creation’s Firefly, Buffy/Angel and Dollhouse Convention in Los Angeles
Well, well, well. Creation Entertainment has scored big for it’s monster Los Angeles salute to Firefly, Buffy/Angel and Dollhouse convention. The star of Dollhouse, Eliza Dushku, will be headlining the event. Joining her will be Nicholas Brendon (Xander from Buffy), Sean Maher (Simon from Firefly), and Morena Baccarin (Inara from Firefly).
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Construction at the Hyatt Causes Concern for Dragon*Con Attendees
Over the past few days there has been a lot of talk about downtown Atlanta’s Hyatt. Attendees for Dragon*Con are already starting to check in at the hotel, one of four main host hotels for the Labor Day weekend convention. Those early arrivals have been posting photos and updates to Twitter and other social networks, all abuzz about the serious construction going on in the Hyatt’s lobby.
Convention News »
The Latest Updates about Dragon*Con: Parties, Pre-Reg, Star Wars Track, and More
As Dragon*con quickly approaches, updates, news, and schedules are flying around the interwebs like crazy. I’ve decided to try and wrangle all the most recent news into one place. This update will cover the release of the Star Wars Track programming, an update list of parties, charity information, new pre-registration times and details, etc.
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Anime Convention Nan Desu Kan Announces Additional Guests
Nan Desu Kan (also known as NDK) is the largest anime convention in the Rocky Mountain region. This year it is happening September 10 – 12 at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, located at 4900 S. Syracuse, Denver, CO 80237. The convention has just announced that several well known voice actors will be making their first appearance at Nan Desu Kan 2010. Additionally, Steve Yun and Tommy Yune from The Robotech 25th Anniversary Convention Tour are now on the guest list as well.
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Chiller Theatre Expo Books Barbara Eden, Patricia Quinn, and More
When I posted the list of upcoming horror, zombie, and paranormal conventions just a week or so ago, Chiller Theatre Expo didn’t have a single guest listed. All that changed this week, however. Chiller Theatre Expo is a twice a year New Jersey convention that has since expanded beyond its original “horror convention” roots. It now frequently has stars of television and film from all manner of genres.
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CreatureCon Changes Dates in Deference to FX International
Apparently FX International really is going to happen this October, even though the site went without updates for nearly four months. As a result, CreatureCon, another central Florida convention, has made the decision out of “deference” to FX International to move their convention to January 22 – 23, 2011.
Convention News »
Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to be at Chicago Comic Con
Okay folks, this one falls squarely in the “WTF” department. Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is going to be appearing at Chicago Comic Con this Saturday. Blago’ will sign be there signing autographs, posing for pictures and meeting fans. His photo session will start at 10:30 a.m., with autographs to follow at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. I knew the folks at Wizard are sad about losing Patrick Stewart for the weekend, but … seriously? Blago?
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Limited Early Bird Dragon*con Autograph Tickets for Stan Lee Announced
A few weeks ago we posted the big news that Stan Lee had been added to the guest list for Dragon*con 2010. One of the biggest questions circulating the various Dragon*con forums and sites is whether Stan Lee would be do any autographs. Well, we officially know now that the answer is “yes.” However, it seems that his signings will be handled a bit differently than most fans are used to.
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Star Wars Celebration V Author and Illustrator Signing Information
Star Wars Celebration V, the official Star Wars convention scheduled for this weekend in Orlando, has a slew of Star Wars authors and some illustrators attending. A lot of the attention has been focused on the celebrities from the movies that will be attending. However, fans of the vast body of Star Wars literary work also have a lot to look forward to at Star Wars Celebration V.
Convention News »
Scott Bakula and Brandon Routh Added to Dragon*con 2010 Guest List
Well Dragon*con, way to blow my socks off near the end of the guest announcements with this latest round of additions! Scott Bakula, who rarely ever does conventions, is coming to Dragon*con 2010! Perhaps this is the mystery person Trek Track director Garrett Wang has been referring to (he mentioned to a fan that he had a guest who had never attended Dragon*con before possibly coming this year).
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Sir Patrick Stewart Cancels Appearance at Chicago Comic Con 2010
For weeks now, Wizard Entertainment has been promoting the heck out of their Chicago Comic Con (a.k.a. Wizard World Chicago) convention, and the fact that Star Trek’s William Shatner and Sir Patrick Stewart would be there. However, Wizard has just informed fans that Stewart has canceled his appearance at the convention. The reason was cited as “production scheduling conflicts.”
Convention News »
Hurricane Who – Category 2 Convention Rescheduled for November 2011
Hurricane Who, a Florida Doctor Who convention originally scheduled for October 2010, has been rescheduled for November 2011. The convention has been plagued by guest cancellations (including Colin Baker), and financial problems. Organizers are hoping to hold a smaller event that weekend instead. More information will apparently be posted “in the coming weeks.”
Convention News »
TrekTrax Atlanta Adds Tim Russ and Duras Sisters to Guest List
A few weeks ago The Convention Fans Blog interviewed Eric L. Watts, the founder of TrekTrax Atlanta. One of the things we discussed in detail was the convention’s emphasis on providing quality Klingon programming. In keeping with that emphasis, Barbara March (Lursa) and Gwynyth Walsh (B’Etor) have been announced as guests. Also added to the guest list is Voyager’s Tim Russ.
Convention News »
Pulled Fire Alarm Causes Evacuation at Otakon 2010 and Schedule Changes
Last weekend we had a stabbing at San Diego Comic-Con, and this weekend we have someone pulling the fire alarm at Otakon. Come on kids, can’t we learn to play nice when we gather together? Conventions are supposed to be fun you know? The first report on the Otakon fire alarm came around 2:30 p.m. EST. Otakon’s official Twitter account was pretty quick to respond, telling attendees at the convention center that everyone needed to get out so that the Fire Marshall could inspect the building.
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Breaking News: Stabbing at San Diego Comic-Con 2010
Twitter has erupted with chatter about a stabbing that occurred this evening at San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC). Two fans reportedly got into a dispute when one stabbed the other on the side of the eye with a pen. The fight was reported around 4:45 p.m., PST. The stabbing apparently took place inside Hall H, one of the largest of the rooms at SDCC, just prior to the The Cowboys and Aliens panel. As of right now, Hall H is a crime scene and no one is allowed in or out.
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Five New Star Trek Guests Coming to Chicago Comic Con 2010
A few weeks ago we reported that Star Trek’s William Shatner (Captain Kirk) and Patrick Steward (Captain Picard) would be attending Wizard Entertainment’s Chicago Comic Con. Yesterday, amidst all the crazy San Diego Comic-Con news, Wizard announced that they have added five additional Star Trek guests to their Chicago Comic Con 2010 line up.
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List of San Diego Comic-Con Star Trek Swag Items Announced
Can you tell San Diego Comic-Con is upon us? Press releases about the convention are coming out right and left! The latest one of interest comes from CBS Consumer Products. They’ve published a list of where fans can pick up some sweet Star Trek merch at San Diego Comic-Con 2010, and meet Star Trek authors and actors. Some of the items include watches and buttons. But the real gem on this list is the Sulu cologne. Yeah, you read that right. Sulu cologne.
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Mark Hamill Shows Fans His Dark Side for Star Wars Celebration V

The big news yesterday was that Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars franchise, will be appearing at the Star Wars Celebration V convention in Orlando. This got everyone super excited… temporarily. You see, Mark Hamill has one of the most outlandish autograph fees in fandom. If you want to get it at Star Wars Celebration V, you’ll have to pony up $125.00.
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Puffy AmiYumi to Appear at New York Comic Con and Perform at Far East To East Showcase
Japanese girl rock band Puffy AmiYumi will be performing at the Far East To East Showcase (FETES) during New York Comic Con. The performance is happening Sunday, October 10, 2010, and the convention runs October 8-10, 2010 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in Manhattan. The band became famous in the US when Cartoon Network created an original cartoon staring them, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, which ran for three seasons. It eventually became one of the most watched cartoons in the world, and has been broadcast in 110 different countries.
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Shore Leave 32, a Maryland Sci-Fi Convention, Starts Today!
Shore Leave 32, a fan-run science fiction convention near Baltimore, Maryland, is happening this weekend. The convention runs July 9-11, 2010 at the Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn. We attended Shore Leave 31 last year and had a great time. Although Dan and I can’t attend Shore Leave 32 this year, we have a great guest blogger lined up to attend in our stead. You can expect her report early next week, along with some photos from the con.
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Yet Another Contest to Win Star Wars Celebration V Tickets
The folks running Star Wars Celebration are offering a few lucky fans some opportunities to win tickets to their Star Wars Celebration V convention happening in Orlando, Florida. I previously posted the press release about the Star Wars Ultimate Fan Getaway contest (via Cartoon Network). Now the organizers are hooking up with G4 with their “Star Wars Glitch Hunt Contest.”
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Former Dragon*con TrekTrak Director Launches New Star Trek Convention
Eric L. Watts, the former director of Star Trek programming for Dragon*con who was replaced by Garrett Wang for 2010, sent out a press release today announcing the creation of the TrekTrax Atlanta convention. It is scheduled for February 18-20, 2011 at the Holiday Inn Select Perimeter in Atlanta, Georgia. This isn’t entirely unexpected, as Watts was essentially running a
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Hurricane Who Convention in Very Troubled Waters?
The internet has been buzzing about some serious issue plaguing the 2010 Hurricane Who convention. Hurricane Who is a Central Florida (USA) Doctor Who convention scheduled for October, 2010. However, the convention has been dealing with a series of guest cancellations, and financial restructuring that now has put the convention in jeopardy. Rumblings had apparently originated on the Gallifrey Base
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Creation Ent. Nabs Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart for Their Official Twilight Con in LA
It is the holy grail of Twilight cons, and Creation Entertainment finally got it: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. After over a year of hosting official Twilight conventions with virtually every single other member of the Twilight movies’ casts, they have booked the big two. I must admit, I never thought it would happen. I figured Creation would never be
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Outland Armour Impacted by Tennessee Flood
If you are at all into steampunk, then you’ve probably heard of Outland Armour, or seen some of their crew at conventions. In fact, this picture (right) of “Dante” from Outland Armour shows one of the most recognized steampunk costumes on the internet. Sadly, Outland Armor was in Tennessee during the floods, attending the MTAC convention. The hotel they were
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Breaking News: FX International is Back for 2010
This just in! The Convention Fans Blog has learned that central Florida’s FX International convention will be back in 2010, despite some initial speculation to the contrary. According to our source, the convention will be held at the Gaylord Palms resort in Kissimmee, Florida, the weekend of October 16 – 17, 2010. Florida con-goers may recall that FX International managed
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Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy Retiring from Conventions After 2010 (via The News Tribune) is reporting that 2010 is the last year to see Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy at a convention. “I think this is the last year I will do this,” he said. “It’s exciting, but I think I’ve done enough of it. I’m looking forward to concentrating on my personal life.” He apparently has 10 conventions scheduled
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Creation’s Star Trek: Las Vegas Convention Gold Package Selling Out
Just got this message from Creation Entertainment: “GOLD WEEKEND PACKAGES will be sold out and removed from sale on Tuesday March 9th” (end of business day Pacific Time). However, they have now added the next level of ticket packages (Captain’s Chair) as well as put all photo ops and autograph tickets on sale. They have also listed which autographs are
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Game Core Postponed
Game Core, a Pennsylvania gaming convention, has announced that it is being postponed until the fall. From the Game Core convention website: We are very sorry to announce that due to some scheduling issues with the convention center, and our proximity to Too Many Games, we’ve opted to push the convention back to the fall. To be sure that this
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PAX East Sells Out of 3-Day Passes
PAX stands for Penny Arcade Expo, a convention born from the Penny Arcade web-comic. For the past few years, PAX was a once a year convention held in Seattle over the summer, but for the first time, there is to be an East coast version too. For 2010, that location is Boston. Read more about ticket availability, and Wil Wheaton’s
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An Update to the Vulcan Events vs Vulkon Entertainment Controversy
Last week I posted a story about the apparent controversy brewing between Vulkon Entertainment and the newly formed Vulcan Events in Orlando, Florida. I recently paid a visit to the Vulkon official Facebook group, where the owners were having a discussion with staffers and attendees about the whole situation. At the time of writing my original article, the owners of
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Vulcan Events vs Vulkon Entertainment: Controversy Brewing?
I posted an article earlier this week about Vulcan Events, a convention that sort of emerged from the ashes of Vulkon Entertainment. It seems Vulkon Entertainment has now taken notice of this new convention. Funny thing is, I kinda thought Vulkon Entertainment was bust, considering its webpage has had a “Bad News” message for months now, with no further updates.
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Going to InvaderCON? Don’t book a hotel room yet.
The organizers of InvaderCON, the convention dedicated to the Invader Zim cartoon, are telling attendees NOT to book their hotel rooms yet. Apparently the venue can’t take reservations more than a year in advance. You’ll need to wait until after March 31, 2010 to make your reservation. Original post is located here: Note: InvaderCON is happening March 26-27, 2011
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Vulcan Events Announces More Guests for Tampa Event
Vulcan Events, a company born in the wake of the former Vulkon conventions, has announced additional guests for their Tampa, Florida con. They are also telling fans that hotel rooms are going fast, and that half of their allocation is already gone. Even if you are waiting to buy tickets at the door, they recommend getting a hotel room as
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Luke Perry Added to Dragon*con’s Guest List
Yep, you read that right. Luke Perry, the object of many 90s teenagers’ dreams, is now on the guest list for Dragon*con 2010. I don’t know if I should bring my copy of The Fifth Element for him to sign, or a 90210 t-shirt! I can’t stop giggling about this, and I don’t know why. I actually loved the original 90210
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News Roundup: Suzaku Festival, Anime-Zap!, ConStellation, and More
There’s been quite a bit of convention news that’s come out recently. I’ll be highlighting some of the major (and most interesting) stories below. However, if you’re interested in quick updates (like a con’s vendor tables selling out, etc.), then you should follow me on Twitter! I re-tweet all the significant convention news tidbits from various cons across the world.
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First BayCon Staffers Resign, Now Anime Expo Staffers Resign Too?
I reported earlier tonight that over a dozen staffers for BayCon resigned over a disagreement with the owning company. Now we’ve learned that several staffers over at Anime Expo have now resigned as well. The Anime News Network reports that ” the majority of the convention’s division managers have resigned over disputes with the Board of Directors of the Society
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BayCon 2010 in Trouble? Over a Dozen Staff Resign.
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Robotech Kicks Off 25th Anniversary Celebration at Animation On Display

Robotech, “a sweeping science-fiction anime epic of humans defending their homeworld against alien domination,” is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a tour of various anime conventions across the United States. The celebration will all start in San Francisco this January 30-31, 2010, at Animation On Display (AOD), San Francisco’s very own Japanese anime and cartoon convention! Three key figures behind
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Another Victim of a Dragon*con “Powers That Be” Power Trip?
Earlier this month, popular web cartoonists Blind Ferret posted on their forums that they had been “booted” from Dragon*con 2010. There had been some difficulty regarding their vendor table for 2009, but the issue had been resolved, and they signed up to attend in 2010. But they never heard anything back, despite repeated attempts to contact D*C about it. Then