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Win a Trip to Japan at Colossalcon 2011

24 March 2011 One Comment by

Win a free trip to Japan. One cosplayer will win. Will it be you?

Colossalcon, a major Ohio anime and culture convention, is once again awarding one lucky cosplayer with a weeklong trip to Tokyo, Japan! (Admittedly, as current affairs stand that prize is more daunting than delighting; fingers crossed that by summer you’ll be looking forward to touring Japan’s recovery)

Colossalcon 9 last year debuted what has to be one of the coolest Masquerade prizes ever; 5 days and 3 nights in Tokyo for you and a guest. The con is big on cosplay, but that’s taking the dedication above and beyond!

And the Japan Trip prize will be awarded for the second year come this June. By which time the prospect will be a more pleasing one – knock on wood.

How Do I Enter and Win?

Harl, 2010's winner of the Japan Trip for her awesome period-accurate England from Hetalia.

According to the rules on the Colossalcon site the Trip to Japan is offered to one of the cosplay craftsmanship winners during their Masquerade event Saturday. All you have to do to enter the trip contest is:

  1. Sign up for the Masquerade
  2. Have your costume judged
  3. Shake your cosplay mojo on stage

The caveat, of course, is that to be eligible to win your costume subject’s source material has to be of East-Asian or Japanese origin. That means that manwa, manga and anime sources count but American and European ones don’t. So, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon would be eligible because that’s a Japanese production but Momo from Avatar: The Last Airbender wouldn’t be because that’s an American work. (Now I SO want to see someone cosplaying as Momo cosplaying as Tuxedo Mask. Maybe I need more sleep.)

Of course, being a cosplay-loving event, Colossalcon still wants to see your non-Asian source inspired costumes as well. And getups not of East-Asian origin are encouraged for entry in their Friday cosplay event.

In addition to the continental caveat, a costume must be made at least 70% by the entrant to be eligible for the Japan Trip prize given at the Masquerade. Heavily modifying existing parts or styling a wig seems to count as “made by you”.

Pre-made/store-bought, commissioned, or rented costumes are right out, Japan Trip prize consideration-wise.

Registration for the Masquerade opened on Saturday March 1st and pre-registration is highly encouraged.

Colossalcon 10 is scheduled for June 2-5, 2011, and will be held at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio. The event is dedicated to anime, gaming, and Japanese culture.

One Comment »

  • Darlyn Boyle said:

    I would love to win this trip to Japan. We have never been, and this would be a wonderful way to say thank you to my fiancee who has taken care of me, since my major stroke 10 years ago.


    Darlyn Young Boyle