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The Hunted Episode Shot at CombatCon Now on Line

8 November 2011 by

So, at CombatCon this year one of the big to-dos was a filming of an episode for the show The Hunted. And that cool bartitsu instructor from Gaslight Gathering 2011 is in part 1.

The What Whatawhat Now?

Okay, so The Hunted is a web series (that’s a TV show on the grand interwebs instead of the television). It is about vampire hunters. Yay, vampire hunting!

CombatCon, which had it’s first event this year, is a multi-genre convention meshing fantasy, horror, steampunk, and science fiction with an underlying fabric of the western martial arts. Yeah, total awesome and a half. And an evil gall bladder kept me from going. Waaaaaaaa!!!!

Ahem, decorum.

So, one of the events for CombatCon 2011 attendees was participating in the shooting of an episode of this vamp slaying web series. This episode is called “Slayer Con” and is in two parts. The premise is that the characters are going to the first ever convention for vampire slayers.

All on the same page now? Huzzah!

Here’s the little episode description:

Bob and Evil Kevin are invited to a weekend in Vegas at SLAYERCON – the first ever convention just for slayers! Getting there, however, is half the battle.

And who knows what chaos will ensure when the guests include Hunted affiliates from across the country – Kendall Wells from The Chronicles of Kendall and Derek from The Hunted: Tampa and Vindication.

Yup, what happens in Vegas, usually ends up on the internet.

You can now view SLAYERCON! on YouTube, courtesy of thehuntedtv.

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