Mysticon – A Bit UnConventional
Mysticon returns for its second year in Roanoke, VA this February 24-26 at the Tanglewood Holiday Inn. The con has expanded its programming, guests list, and more offerings for fans out there.
The guests of honor this year include:
New York Times #1 best seller Sherriyn Kenyon author of the book series The Dark-Hunters, The League, Lords of Avalon, BAD Agency, and The Chronicles of Nick; Nicki Clyne who played Cally on the new Battlestar Galactica; Eisner nominated artist Urusla Vernon the author and illustrator of “Nurk,” “Digger,” and other projects; Chancellorsville-based goth/darkwave band Bella Morte; Fan Guest of Honor RS Belcher who has written a new book and was the Grand Prize Winner of the Star Trek Strange New Worlds Anthology contest in 2006; and finally Master of Ceremonies podcast innovator Rich Sigfrit.
The guest list is over 100 names long from a varied fields.
Most of the list is authors like:
Catherine Asaro, Danny Birt, Andrew Fox, CJ Henderson, Leona Wisoker, Allen Wold, Stephen Zimmer, Tony Ruggiero, Bethany Halle, Pamela Kinney, Kalayna Price, and many many more.
Several editors will also be there:
Barbara Friend Ish, Lynn O’Dell, Mike Pederson, and Herika Raymer. Gaming guests include: Brandon Blackmoor, Greg Porter, John Watts and Christina Stiles.
Some of the artists:
Hershel Brewer, Mark Davis, Daniel French, Amanda Gilpin, and Jeremy Massie. Costumers: Anita Allen, Michele Capamaggio, Lyssa Erb, Lady Kris, and Angela Pritchett.
Michael Bednar, John Birmingham, Jaysen Buterin, John Johnsom, and Ian Little.
Brian Holloway, Ron Scott, Amber Teachey, Michael Williams, and Deborash Smith Ford.
Clayton Wick, Stephen Wilson, and “The Bruce” Scholl.
Jimmy “Boogie Woogie Man” Valiant, Amber O’Neal, and Boris Zhukov of the Bolsheviks.
Other guests include:
Jer Alfrod owner of Kitsune Comics, Purrsia Press, and Mini-Komix; bellydancer Samra Iara, comedian Mikey Mason, robotics expert Dave Livingston, photographer Bron Duncan, Travis Suber of the webcomic Hainted Holler, and my personal friend graphic designer Emily Mottesheard.
Special events planned for the convention include performances by Bella Morte and Boogie Knights, a screening of the film Metropolis with original score by music guest Consortium 499, a ghost hunt at the hotel lead by the Black Raven Paranormal group, after house dj/dance rave, and a book launch party for author Gail Martin. There will also be returning events including the scholarship auction, masquerade contest, classic video game console room, art show, Independent Film Festival (including the premiere of Mad Ones Films HPJ Trilogy Act III “Have Faith, Will Travel”), guest autograph sessions, the Match Game, art show, and plenty of panels with the guests.
Organized gaming for the con includes sessions of Killer Bunnies, Carcassone, Illuminati, a Munchkin Tournament, RPGs sessions of BESM, Pathfinder by the Pathfinder Society, D&D by the RPGA, GURPS, and a late night game of Zombie. Various demos will be run in the open gaming area. There will also be the return of last year’s two popular LARPS: the Super Hero Live Action Role Playing Game (SHLARP) by the Tree Horsemen of the SHLARPocalypse and Strange Aeons Live Action Role Playing Game welcome players to this year’s game Chaos Reborn.
They have a vendors room full of books, comics, games, anime, movies, cards, charms, swords, and much more. New for this year is an artist alley. Participants of it are comic creators Jose Calderon of Dream Weaver Press, T.A.K Comics, and Terence Hanley; illustrators Beck Seashols, and David Quiles; woodworker/knife maker Jarod Kearney and painter Sue-Ann Albee.
Various fan groups and organizations will have their own tables too. The fan film series Starship Farrugut will be screening their film and have their Captain’s Chair there. Some others are Adrenaline Film Group, the Camarilla, Kiligon group IKV Devastor, NASA, Ravencon, Intervention, Star City Mystery Dinner theater, Darkstone Entertainment, Star City Roller Girls, and a Doctor Who fan will be bringing his life-sized Dalek.
For food the con will once again be having their con suite serving snacks and drinks. Plus the hotel will be running a “cantina” with hot food.
Pre-reg is currently $35 for an adult ($10 off military and students with an id), $20 for children ages 9-12, and free for anyone under 9 with a paying adult until February 13. Badges will be $40 at the door.
Star City Mystery Dinner Theater is doing a special show on Friday night at the con. The show will only be $25 for con attendees and you can buy both con pass and show ticket for only $50.
The con has already sold out their first block of hotel rooms, but have worked up another block at $85 per night.
Learn more about the con at their website or keep up with things on their Facebook page.
Personally I am really looking forward to returning to this con. It was a lot of fun last year and looks even better this year. The con is bringing so many different things and people to the event there has got to be something for almost every nerd. I know I have a couple of panels to prepare for and a cosplay for Mokona to work on now for it. This will also be my 50th convention since 2003. Woot

Thank you for the very nice write-up of MystiCon 2012, Nicholas. We look forward to seeing you there! Carl Kesner, MystiCon 2012 Convention Chair