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SDCC and Studios – Is the Love Affair Over?
The buzz is that the major movie studios are looking to avoid Comic Con 2011 in San Diego this year. Film such as Sucker Punch, Tron and Scott Pilgrim were heavily advertised at SDCC last year…who could forget the 30 story Scott Pilgrim banner that took the whole side of the Hilton on the Bay Front? It was impressive at the time, but it did not translate at the box office.
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So You Got a Ticket to San Diego Comic Con
If you were born with a higher midi-chlorian count than others and were able to sense the madness that would be Comic Con ticket sales 2011, you bought your tickets way early during Comic Con 2010. In fact, so many purchased their tickets in advance that all 4-Day passes with Preview night were sold out before the convention concluded its run on Sunday evening.