Costuming/Cosplay »
Top 5 Easy Convention and Halloween Costumes
The temperature is dropping and leaves are changing, so that means Halloween is just around the corner. You are never too old to dress up and it’s never too late to pull together a costume. No matter your time or budget, here are a few great costume picks for this haunting holiday, and some suggestions that won’t empty your wallet. Plus, any costume you create for Halloween, you can usually get a few more uses out of by wearing it to a fandom convention.
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Another Anime Con is Happening this October
Summer is over and school is back in session. For most people, that means the end of convention season. But wait, don’t pack away your Buster Sword and Naruto head bands yet! There is still Another Anime Con (yes, that is the name of the convention). If 2010 is anything like 2009 was, then it is sure to be a good time.