Articles Archive for June 2010
Press Releases »
Press Release: Actor/Sound Director Yuji Mitsuya to appear at Otakon 2010
Veteran actor, seiyu, and sound director Yuji Mitsuya will appear at Otakon 2010. Active in the industry since the 1970s through the present day, Mitsuya has acted in scores of anime, and has directed the original Japanese dubs of more than a dozen shows. Old-school U.S. fans may know him as Ranma 1/2′s Doctor Tofu or as Saint Seiya’s Virgo Shaka, or even as Hyouma Aoi in the classic Combattler V.
Interviews »
An Interview with Eric L. Watts, Founder of TrekTrax Atlanta (Part 2)
This is part 2 of an interview with Eric L. Watts, who previously ran Star Trek programming for Dragon*con. As many are probably aware by now, Watts was not asked to return to Dragon*con for 2010. It would have been his 18th year at the helm (excuse the pun). Instead, Star Trek: Voyager actor Garrett Wang is leading the new “Trek Track” programming for Dragon*con. Whereas many would have probably retired, Watts has instead founded his own Star Trek convention, called TrekTrax Atlanta, with the help of his local Star Trek club members and friends.
Press Releases »
Press Release: Patrick Stewart and William Shatner Together in Chicago
It is our great pleasure to announce that we are teaming up with the fine folks at Wizard World to co-present an amazing day of on-stage entertainment on the Saturday of their epic Chicago Comic Con (August 21, 2010). For us it is a return to the multi-property presentations we loved doing in the past and we know our fellow fans are going to be over the top excited to be in the front rows to witness some superstar on-stage appearances and events!
Press Releases »
Press Release: Magic Hat Brewing to Sponsor Costume Ball at Horror Realm
Night of the Living Dead Costume Ball to feature costume contest & charity auction Pittsburgh, PA – June 28, 2010 – Zombies, vampires, ghosts and even humans are invited to don their scariest finery for the Night of the Living Dead Costume Ball. The ball, sponsored by Magic Hat Brewing, is the featured evening entertainment event at this year’s Horror
Interviews »
An Interview with Eric L. Watts, Founder of TrekTrax Atlanta (Part 1)

This is part 1 of an interview with Eric L. Watts, who previously ran Star Trek programming for Dragon*con. As many are probably aware by now, Watts was not asked to return to Dragon*con for 2010. It would have been his 18th year at the helm (excuse the pun). Instead, Star Trek: Voyager actor Garrett Wang is leading the new “Trek Track” programming for Dragon*con. Whereas many would have probably retired, Watts has instead founded his own Star Trek convention, called TrekTrax Atlanta, with the help of his local Star Trek club members and friends.