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Anime Punch: Battle Scholars

[11 Apr 2011 | by | Comments Off]

Anime Punch is this April 22-24. It’s run by a few different principles than most. First they strive to be an anime only con, meaning they try to focus as much of the con as they can on anime. Not that they put down such things as video games, manga, j-pop, or the like just that they wish to put the ‘anime’ back in ‘anime con.’

Feedback & Con Reports, On Site Convention Coverage »

Madicon 20 Convention Report: Harden the Con Up!

[30 Mar 2011 | by | Comments Off]

Madicon is one of those small and close knit cons. There were plenty of activities to keep you busy, but still with time to just sit back and hang out with friends new and old. I’m looking forward to next year to see what they come up with. They have already got the dates set for next year, March 9-11. If you are in the area and want to attend a friendly, con this is it.

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Madicon Just Days Away

[10 Mar 2011 | by | Comments Off]

Madicon is this weekend and they are gearing up for it. They have a lot planned for their 20th anniversary, adding some new stuff while maintaining the classics. Guests lined up are authors C.S. Friedman, Katherine Kurtz, and C.J. Henderson. Filker and web comic creator Rob Balder, gaming guest Brian Glass, and medieval recreation group COMARR.

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Madicon: Almost Old Enough to Drink

[7 Feb 2011 | by | Comments Off]

Madicon is run by the Science Fiction Fantasy Guild at James Madison University. The con is held at the college in Harrisonburg, VA and this will be their 20th anniversary. It will be March 11-13.

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Making Your Live Action Role-Playing Game Accessible: Part 3 of 3

[19 Nov 2010 | by | Comments Off]

In the first and second parts of this series, I wrote about how to make your game easy to play, and how to keep players involved. In this third part, I’m going to talk about why people stop playing.