Articles in the CFB Announcements Category
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CFB Wants You!

Hello out there, fan convention lovers! The Convention Fans Blog is back after a long hiatus, and we’re looking for new faces. CFB is adding to our crew of eager bloggers and we need you. Our unofficial motto is “No Pay But Glory”, so you’d be a volunteer. However, you would get valuable geek cred plus the occasional free convention
CFB Announcements »
Become a Writer for The Convention Fans Blog!
The Convention Fans Blog is expanding their writing team again! As you may have noticed, especially if you’ve been reading us for a while now, we’ve been growing quite a bit over the past year or so. We’ve added writers from Florida, Texas, California, Virginia, New York, and more. But that’s not enough!
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Yep… We Got Hacked
Sometime during the day today, The Convention Fans Blog got hacked. All of the users were deleted, including the admin accounts. When I attempted to back up the SQL database, it failed because of the missing user info and everything was essentially lost. Read more on how you can help us get back up and running.
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Become a Writer for The Convention Fans Blog
Do you like attending fandom conventions? Do you enjoy blogging or writing? What about taking photos? Well, how would you like to be part of The Convention Fans Blog? We’re looking for individuals who would like to become regular contributors. We get invitations to attend conventions all over the United States and Canada, and we simply don’t have enough people to get to them all.
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The Convention Fans Blog has Changed Twitter Accounts
Hello loyal readers of The Convention Fans Blog! For the longest time, if you wanted to get blog updates via Twitter, you were following my personal Twitter account (@dreadpiraterose). When I started this site, it was small and Twitter wasn’t quite so popular, so it didn’t seem like a big deal. But seeing as how both have really grown, it’s time for me to separate out the blog stuff from the non-blog stuff.
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Welcome to The Convention Fans Blog’s New Look!
Loyal readers of The Convention Fans Blog: welcome to the site’s new look! Thanks for your patience this weekend as we updated the appearance of the site! We decided it was time for a general design overhaul, and the results turned out pretty good (at least we think so!). For the past two and a half years, The Convention Fans Blog has been bringing you news, interviews, advice, free giveaways, and more. And guess what? We have no intention of stopping any time soon!
CFB Announcements »
Convention Fans is Undergoing Some Changes
Hello loyal readers. Over the next 24 hours or so The Convention Fans Blog will be undergoing some changes, as I switch WordPress themes. I’ll be honest here… I’m not 100% sure I know what I’m doing. I have no doubt that I’ll break a few things along the way. However, I do hope that come Monday morning it will look even prettier than before.
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We’ll be at PAX East 2010!
The Convention Fans Blog/ will officially be attending PAX East! PAX is short for Penny Arcade Expo, and it’s shaping up to be one of the biggest conventions on the east coast. They are expecting a sell out crowd! PAX East is March 26-28th in Boston, Massachusetts at the Hynes Convention Center. We’re super excited PAX has finally come to the
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Welcome to the New Home of The Convention Fans Blog!
As you can probably tell, The Convention Fans Blog now has a new home! For the past year or so, Convention Fans was hosted by The archives for the blog’s 2008-2009 year will continue to be hosted there, as per my original exclusivity contract with them. That being said, The Convention Fans Blog has moved here to it’s own