Articles in the Costuming/Cosplay Category
Convention News, Costuming/Cosplay »
Boston Comic Con Still On For This Weekend [updated April 19]

Update: at 10:am EST Boston Comic Con canceled their event. Boston is on lock down while police hunt for the suspects. Boston Comic Con is postponed until further notice. Hello all. The Boston Comic Con will still be happening this weekend, despite the bombing earlier this week of the Boston Marathon. If that seems callous to you please remember that
Costuming/Cosplay, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: WonderCon 2012 Masquerade Details Now Online
Convention News, Costuming/Cosplay »
New York Comic Con Extends Masquerade Deadline Due to Hurricane Irene
Costuming/Cosplay »
Best Cosplay Ever (So Far This Year)
The summer convention season is underway. All of the great fan conventions that happen June through August each year see such a stupendous range of cosplay, as if all the costumers have just been warming up the previous five months. So, to whet your appetite for the coming summer con cosplay banquet here’s a bit of an appetizer.
Convention Advice, Costuming/Cosplay »
How to Pose Gracefully For Cosplay Photography at Conventions
Costuming/Cosplay, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews »
A Review of Reni’s Maid Cafe
I have to admit I have been meaning to attend Reni’s Maid and Cosplay Cafe since I first stumbled upon Reni Mimura at Zenkaikon over a year ago, and found out she regularly threw these events at the Village in New York. Since my birthday was coming up and I was looking for something fun to do, I decided to make the trip up from Philadelphia on the Bolt bus and celebrate it with my favorite Japanese idol living in New York and see what her take on the Japanese maid cafe phenomenon would be.
Costuming/Cosplay »
Top 5 Easy Convention and Halloween Costumes
The temperature is dropping and leaves are changing, so that means Halloween is just around the corner. You are never too old to dress up and it’s never too late to pull together a costume. No matter your time or budget, here are a few great costume picks for this haunting holiday, and some suggestions that won’t empty your wallet. Plus, any costume you create for Halloween, you can usually get a few more uses out of by wearing it to a fandom convention.
Costuming/Cosplay »
Death by Make-Up: Some Advice for the Zombie Novice
ZomBart provides a step-by-step guide to becoming a zombie, featuring sections like “What do Werewolves, Elves and Vulcans Have in Common?” and “Real Men Wear Latex.” If you ever pondered doing zombie make-up, read this “how-to” article first. Learn the make-up tricks, have fun, eat brains, and we’ll see you at the next apocalypse.
Convention Advice, Costuming/Cosplay »
Quickstart Guide for Costuming
Crisis! T-minus two days to Awesomesaucecon and you have nothing to wear. And your budget’s already stretched thin for gas, tolls, hotel, admission and all the incidentals that add up so fast. What’s a geeky fashionista to do? Full cosplay is expensive and time-consuming, but fabulousness is easily achieved. You can assemble something in an afternoon in three easy steps.
Contests, Costuming/Cosplay »
Win a Signed Copy of “Cosplay in America” by Ejen Chuang
Cosplay in America is a coffee table book filled with spectacular full color photographs of cosplayers from various anime conventions in the United States. The photographer and mastermind behind the book is Ejen Chuang. Chuang photographed approximately 1,651 cosplayers over a five month period in 2009 in order to gather the images for the book. The Convention Fans Blog has been given a copy of Cosplay in America, which has been signed by Ejen Chuang, to give away to a lucky reader!
Convention Advice, Convention Related, Costuming/Cosplay »
If You’re Bored, You’re Boring: A Guide for Live-Action Roleplay
It’s happened to me, and it could happen to you: you’re at a convention and you’re accosted by some extremely friendly individuals in costume. Suddenly people are menacing you with foam-covered plumbing supplies, talking about vampire princes or what happens if you look Cthulhu in the eyes. (Hopefully not at the same time!) Don’t fear, dear conventioneer. These people are not rogue plumbers, blood-gurgling parasites or cultists: they’re Live-Action Role Players, or LARPers.
Costuming/Cosplay, Feedback & Con Reports, On Site Convention Coverage »
Otakon Convention Report: 30,000 Nerds. 0 Slave Leias.
For three days every summer, the citizens of Baltimore share the streets with an army of costumed nerds who flock to the city for Otakon. A festival of anime and Japanese nerd-culture where even the strangest costume can find a home. Otakon is a great convention with an excellent atmosphere and enough fun to cure any situation that ails you.
Costuming/Cosplay, Upcoming Conventions »
The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball Happening this July
The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball is a two-day event based on “Venetian Histories, Celtic Faerie and Goblin Lore” (and well, the movie Labyrinth). I realize this isn’t technically a convention, but it’s close enough for me and it sounds too cool not to mention. Now celebrating its 13th year, the The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball is happening July 16 – 17, 2010 at the Park Plaza in Los Angeles, California. Doors open at 8 p.m.
Convention Advice, Costuming/Cosplay »
Fandom Convention Weapon Policies: What You Need to Know
For me personally, one of the most creative and fun aspects of costuming involves accessorizing. For many costumes, the most important accessory is the weaponry. Whether you’re going to a fandom convention as Cloud from Final Fantasy, or Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, the weapon can make or break the costume. However, more and more conventions seem to be cracking down on rules concerning weapons, even if they are simply made from foam and cardboard.
Convention Advice, Costuming/Cosplay »
5 Ways to Survive the Heat at Summer Fandom Conventions
With so many conventions happening during the summer months, it is time to give careful consideration to whether your cosplay costumes are appropriate for the season. Attending a summer convention in costume can be brutal. If you’re not careful, it can take a toll on your health, causing anything from mild dehydration to fainting or heat stroke. Below is a
Costuming/Cosplay »
A Ninja Costume Guide
The ninja costume: iconic and potentially simple. It’s ideal for that last minute need for a costume at a convention. It can be as easy as picking up a cheap one online or at a local costume store, or as labor intensive as creating your own leather and cloth armor by hand. Because the costume has such a broad range
Costuming/Cosplay, Interviews »
An Interview with Cosplayer and Designer Daisy Viktoria and The Convention Fans Blog recently had an opportunity to have a chat with cosplayer and fashion designer Daisy Viktoria. In the interview below, she discusses how she got into cosplay, the process of becoming a professional costumer, and much more. Alltern8: How did you first get into costuming, and how long have you been doing it? Daisy Viktoria:
Convention Advice, Costuming/Cosplay »
Cosplay Advice: Take Care of Your Feet!
Cosplaying at a fandom convention can often be an exercise in masochism, at least in regard to your feet. This is especially true for those who attend conventions for an entire weekend, and are doing it absurd and crazy footwear. As much as we wish it wasn’t true, cute shoes don’t usually equal comfortable shoes, and this is even more
Costuming/Cosplay, Interviews »
An Exclusive Interview with Cosplay Singer Reni Mimura
I’ll never forget the first time I saw cosplay singer Reni Mimura. I was at Zenkaikon 2009, a Pennsylvania anime convention, and Reni was busy rehearsing for the con’s opening ceremonies. I cannot say enough about the performance she gave that day. Not to be cliché, but if you looked up “cute” in the dictionary, her picture should be there.
Costuming/Cosplay »
100+ Cosplay Ideas for Couples of All Genders

Conventions are almost always more enjoyable when you’re attending with a friend or a loved one. And that goes double for cosplay. Couple and group cosplay can be a whole lot of fun. But what if you’re struggling to come up with ideas of who to cosplay as? Well, there are a lot of fun character pairs in various movies,
Costuming/Cosplay »
Losing Weight for Cosplay: Tips, Warnings, and Information
Let’s be honest, a lot of female anime characters have absurdly unrealistic body shapes, typically involving a teeny tiny waist and a pair of breasts that make it seem like she’d topple over. It isn’t much better for the men. Either the male anime stars are rail thin and tall, or they are insanely muscular. It often seems like there
Costuming/Cosplay »
Commentary: Why I Avoid (Most) Online Cosplay Communities
I never really considered myself a hard core cosplayer or anything. I have costumes. I wear them to conventions. I do some of the basic stuff myself (vs. buying store pieces or getting them commissioned). But because I wasn’t making elaborate show pieces for masquerades from scatch, or twisting wigs into crazy shapes with the help of a caulk gun,
Costuming/Cosplay, Interviews »
An Exclusive Interview with Russian Cosplayer Lena Litvinova
Every now and again I browse through looking for cool photos and cosplay. When I came across the user Ryoko-demon, however, I was completely blown away. Rarely do you see such a stunning collection of cosplay costumes and photos. Even though Ryoko-demon, whose real name is Lena Litvinova, is based all the way over in Russia, she agreed
Costuming/Cosplay, On Site Convention Coverage »
Highlights from Felicia Day’s Saturday Q&A at Farpoint (Part 2)
Below is part two of a series of highlights from Felicia Day’s Saturday Q&A session at Farpoint, a Maryland (USA) fan-run science fiction and fantasy convention. Since it was an hour long, not every single question and answer is represented here, and not all answers are in full (some were quite long). However, I’ve tried to select the “best of” to
Costuming/Cosplay »
What Will the Top Non-Anime Cosplay Costumes for 2010 Be?
Last year was easily dubbed the year of Watchmen costumes (in terms of non-anime based cosplay). They were everywhere. It started in the spring, before the movie had even come out. And it culminated in the summer and fall, with large cons like Dragon*con and San Diego Comic-Con, where you couldn’t turn a corner without running into a Silk Spectre
Costuming/Cosplay »
Star Trek Costume Resources: Uniforms From The Original Series to the 2009 Movie
The uniforms in Star Trek are some of the most recognizable costumes at conventions, especially since the latest Star Trek film was such a massive summer blockbuster back in 2009. Fans are clamoring for Star Trek costume resources for their upcoming conventions, and The Convention Fans Blog and Alltern8 are here to help! Of course, with over 11 movies, 6
Costuming/Cosplay »
Cosplaying in the Cold: 5 Tips for Winterizing a Cosplay Costume
Back in the summer, I wrote an article about keeping cool during summer conventions while cosplaying. Now that much of the United States and Europe is enduring a nice arctic blast, it seems only fitting to write an article about coping with cosplay in the colder months. Cosplay is not exclusively an indoor or outdoor activity. While most convention cosplay
Costuming/Cosplay, Interviews »
First Time Cosplayer Makes Splash at Blizzcon
I have been doing a bit of research on great World of Warcraft (WoW) costumes for an upcoming blog entry. As I was browsing, I came across “Atheana,” who had such a wonderful Blood Elf costume and story to go with it, that I had to feature her here in my blog. “Atheana” is actually a full time college student named Lindsay, who had never attended a single convention before Blizzcon 2008, much less created a costume for one.