Articles in the Upcoming Conventions Category
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Looking Forward to CondorCon: Men In Black Aliens, Conspiracies, & Feds, Oh My!
Costuming/Cosplay, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: WonderCon 2012 Masquerade Details Now Online
Convention News, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Anime-zing! announces Cristina Vee and Trevor Mueller
Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: InvaderCon, The Invader ZIM Fan Convention, Will Return the Summer of 2012 in Los Angles, California
Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Eureka Star Colin Ferguson to Headline Tri-Show Los Angeles!
Convention Lists, Convention Related, Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Steampunk Events for September 2011
Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo Announces Dates For 2012
Upcoming Conventions »
Cincinnati Comic Expo’s 2nd Year
Cincinnati Comic Expo returns for their second year this September 17 at the Duke Energy Convention Center. Admission is $10 with kids under 10 getting in for free. There are also VIP passes for $50. The show will have 23 Featured Guests alone and at least 112 individual artists or businesses that will be there.
Convention Lists, Upcoming Conventions »
Upcoming Nerd Events in West Virginia
West Virginia is not really a place you think of when making convention and nerd event plans, but there are a few events that take place in this state every year that might interest you. In fact a lot of them happen over the next two months. Here are list a geeky events I have been able to come across in the Mountain States.
Convention News, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews, Upcoming Conventions »
Nimoy Retires From Conventions, October Marks His Final Appearence
Convention News, Upcoming Conventions »
Animinicon SoHo Announces Guests, Screenings, Dealers and More.
Upcoming Conventions »
All Night Dance Party at Atomic Lollipop
If you are in the Toronto area from July 30th to the 31st, and suffering through a Comic Con hangover, here is a bit of the “hair of the dog”. Come to the Atomic Lollipop Convention and enjoy 24 hours of high energy events ranging from anime, manga, DJ music, gaming, carnival rides and circus acts. The convention portion, Atomic
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Offsite & Non-SDCC Fan Events in San Diego This Week
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Steampunk at SDCC 2011
his week is the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con. As, uh, you may have noticed. Among the comic books and other pop culture fare is a thread of steampunkery woven by various local groups. Here’s a quick look at the various steampunk events, panels, artists, signings, etc. available to the intrepid congoer for 2011.
Convention News, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Peter S. Beagle to return to Otakon 2011
Geek/Fandom News and Reviews, Press Releases, Upcoming Conventions »
Press Release: Intervention Convention Brings Cyber-Life to Real Life
Upcoming Conventions »
Fieldcon: Otaku vs. Nature
Fieldcon is an annual camping con put on by the same people who do Anime Punch. The idea is to try and expand the concept of an anime convention by taking it outdoors. It is the first outdoor anime con. Other fandoms have had their own outdoor/camping cons, so now it is anime’s turn. It will be held July 1-3 of this year.
Upcoming Conventions »
Wizard World Philly 2011 Starts Today!
Today kicks off 3-days of fandom in Philadelphia at Wizard World Philly (also known as Philadelphia Comic Con). Hosted by Wizard Entertainment, this convention is the largest fandom con within the city, bringing in thousands of visitors. Some of the guests headlining the convention are Bruce Campbell, Adam Baldwin, Vivica A. Fox, Julie Benz, Billy Dee Williams, Adam West, and Nicholas Brendon.
Convention News, Convention Related, Geek/Fandom News and Reviews, Upcoming Conventions »
So You Got a Ticket to San Diego Comic Con
If you were born with a higher midi-chlorian count than others and were able to sense the madness that would be Comic Con ticket sales 2011, you bought your tickets way early during Comic Con 2010. In fact, so many purchased their tickets in advance that all 4-Day passes with Preview night were sold out before the convention concluded its run on Sunday evening.
Upcoming Conventions »
Getting Ready for Knoxville Anime & Comic Con
Knoxville Anime & Comic Con is June 18-19 at the Holiday Inn Cedar Bluff in Knoxville, Tennessee. The hours for the show are 10am-6pm on Saturday and 11am-4pm on Sunday. The con is one of the many different ones run by Comic City. It is an autograph and collectible con that tries to provide a good environment for fans. They are bringing both some interesting guests and various dealers to the show.
Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Get Your Steampunk On At CombatCon
This hybrid multi-genre convention mixes steampunk, horror, pirates, sci-fi, and fantasy all with the unifying element of the Western Martial Arts. We’re pretty big on steampunk here at Convention Fans Blog so let me tell you that the steamy events scheduled so far for CombatCon 2011 are looking pretty sweet.
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Online Registration for Gaslight Gathering Closes Saturday
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Anime Punch: Battle Scholars
Anime Punch is this April 22-24. It’s run by a few different principles than most. First they strive to be an anime only con, meaning they try to focus as much of the con as they can on anime. Not that they put down such things as video games, manga, j-pop, or the like just that they wish to put the ‘anime’ back in ‘anime con.’
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Gaslight Gathering Annouces Time Traveler’s Masked Ball
Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
All-Con Goes Steampunk for 2011
This year All-Con, the “everything con” has chosen Steampunk as its theme and has brought in a lot of local talent from that community to provide 17 separate Steampunk panels and/or performances at the event. This is not even counting the wonderful and almost non-stop Steampunk table top role play gaming of “Tephra” provided by the members of Cracked Monocle, Cuthulu Dice Steampunk RPG, or Gurps Steampunk table top gaming.
Upcoming Conventions »
Madicon Just Days Away
Madicon is this weekend and they are gearing up for it. They have a lot planned for their 20th anniversary, adding some new stuff while maintaining the classics. Guests lined up are authors C.S. Friedman, Katherine Kurtz, and C.J. Henderson. Filker and web comic creator Rob Balder, gaming guest Brian Glass, and medieval recreation group COMARR.
Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Outdoor Steampunk Convention and Gathering Coming to Missouri
Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
Atlanta Steampunk Convention, AnachroCon, Happening this February
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Upcoming Steampunk Conventions for 2011
With it’s increasing popularity steampunk has gained stronger footholds in the mainstreams of fandom around the world, allowing for more and more conventions each year dedicated entirely to this speculative fiction genre and subculture. Here are the steampunk conventions, mini-cons and festivals happening in 2011: AnachroCon: Southern Steampunk Symposium When: February 25-27, 2011 Where: Atlanta, Georgia AnachroCon is the place
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Anime Detour Announces Guests For 2011
Anime Detour is a fan run convention dedicated to Japanese animation, manga, video games and culture. The convention’s organizers work hard to bring in people from all over the Anime universe as well as local talent from Minnesota; artists, writers, fan guests, voice actors, producers, directors, and such.
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San Diego Comic-Con Announces First Wave of Special Guests for 2011
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New Steampunk Conventions For 2011

With its increasing popularity, steampunk has gained stronger footholds in the mainstreams of fandom around the world, allowing for more and more conventions dedicated entirely to this speculative fiction genreand subculture. The year 2010 saw at least two new steampunk conventions opening their doors: SteamWrights in Bremerton, Washington, and Convencion Steampunk BCN in Barcelona, Spain.
Upcoming Conventions »
CharCon 2010: A Space Oddity
This week, October 22-24, is the fifth annual CharCon in Charleston, West Virginia. The event takes place once again at the Charleston Civic Center. The theme for this year is ‘Space.’ This convention continues to grow another year with more room; RPGs are getting their own private rooms to be run in, and there are new games and events.
Convention News, Upcoming Conventions »
Star Trek Online Players Offered 2-for-1 Ticket Discount to Hollywood Xpo Convention
If you are one of the few still playing Star Trek Online (STO), then you should have received a special offer e-mail today from Cryptic Studios. Players of the game are being given the opportunity to take advantage of a special discount on tickets to the Hollywood Xpo convention. STO players can buy one ticket to Hollywood Xpo, and get a second ticket for free.
Upcoming Conventions »
Another Anime Con is Happening this October
Summer is over and school is back in session. For most people, that means the end of convention season. But wait, don’t pack away your Buster Sword and Naruto head bands yet! There is still Another Anime Con (yes, that is the name of the convention). If 2010 is anything like 2009 was, then it is sure to be a good time.
Upcoming Conventions »
Necronomicon, a Florida Convention, is Coming Soon!
Necromicon 2010 is coming! Run by the Stone Hill Science Fiction Association, Necronomicon has been going on annually for 28 years. It’s a sci-fi/fantasy/horror convention with everything you could possibly ask for: celebrity guests, game room, live action roleplay, masquerades, art show, authors, panels and a dealer’s room.
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Come See Us at PhauxCon 2010 – A Philly Genre Entertainment Convention
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Steamcon II Convention to Celebrate “American Steampunk”
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Let Your Inner Child Out at BrickCon 2010 – An Adult LEGO® Hobbyist Event
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Cast from the Horror Flick Human Centipede to Appear at Big Apple Comic Con
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Ba-Con, An Ohio Convention Dedicated to Geeks and Bacon, to Happen July 2011
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Reminder: Inochicon 2010 Happening this Weekend in Philly
Inochicon is a Philadelphia anime convention happening August 27 – 29, 2010 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel. The convention will feature appearances by Reni Mimura, the LeetStreet Boys, Uncle Yo, Cosplay Comedian Joe, Julia Lichty, and Hannah Minx (who is the Guest emcee). Tickets will be available for purchase at the door.
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Inochicon 2010 to Feature Performances by Reni Mimura, Uncle Yo and More!
Here at The Convention Fans Blog, we’re pretty big fans of Reni Mimura. She’s a fantastic cosplay singer that frequently attends anime conventions here in the North East. I had a chance to see her back at Zenkaikon 2009, and I’m very happy to say I’ll be seeing her again at Inochicon. Inochicon is a Philadelphia anime convention happening August 27 – 29, 2010 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel.
On Site Convention Coverage, Upcoming Conventions »
It’s a Star Wars vs Star Trek Convention Weekend!
Two of science fiction’s biggest franchises are holding official conventions this weekend! Star Wars Celebration V, the official Star Wars convention hosted by ReedPOP, is happening in Florida. Meanwhile, Creation Entertainment is holding their Official East Coast Star Trek Convention in New Jersey. Both have some impressive guest lists and activities planned. We’ve already provided some coverage on them both, which we’ve re-linked below, along with some new information and what you can expect from our reporting team in terms of coverage during and after.
Upcoming Conventions »
A List of Upcoming Horror, Zombie, and Paranormal Conventions for 2010

Horror conventions have been around for decades, and they are still going strong here in the United States. Whether you’re looking for a hard to find Italian horror film on DVD, or seeking autographs from the great George Romero, horror conventions are the place to find both! With Halloween getting closer by the minute, I figured now was as good of a time as any to post this list!
Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
TeslaCon is Happening in November, Mark Your Calendars!
TeslaCon is a steampunk convention happening November 5 – 7, 2010 at the Radisson in West Madison, Wisconsin. The event was originally scheduled for November 19 – 21, but it has since been moved up to “prevent possible collisions and turbulent conditions that shifted over the Northern Americas Continent.”
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Gen Con Indy 2010 Happening this Weekend, August 5 – 8
Gen Con Indy is one of two big conventions happening this weekend in the United States (the other is Creation’s Official Star Trek Convention in Vegas). If you’re a gamer, Gen Con Indy is definitely one of the “must attend” conventions each year. Not surprisingly, it attracts at least 90,000 consumer and professional attendees. And did we mention Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton will be there?
Convention Advice, Upcoming Conventions »
Star Wars Celebration V Schedule Now Available Online
Star Wars Celebration V is almost upon us, and schedules are now online! Break out the highlighters kids, because there’s a lot of great stuff happening at this convention! Star Wars Celebration V is the official Star Wars convention, organized by ReedPOP, and it is happening August 12 – 15, 2010 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. The Convention Fans Blog’s nerdsherpa will be at the convention as a volunteer (and we’ll be seeing some feedback from him once he recovers from the experience). Now, we’re not going to rehash the entire schedule here, but as we did for San Diego Comic-Con, we’ll post some of the “must see” panels and interesting events.
Convention Advice, Upcoming Conventions »
Pros and Cons
Once upon a time, I was a Con, which is to say I went to conventions as an attendee. Then one day as a solution to lacking financial resources, I weaseled my way into volunteering at a convention, and I became a Pro. Now I’m still a Con at some shows, but I’ve learned that being a Pro is a lot more fun.
Upcoming Conventions »
Official East Coast Star Trek Convention Happening Next Month
For those of us on the East Coast, making it out to Creation Entertainment’s big Star Trek convention in Las Vegas is a bit difficult. Fortunately, there is an official East Coast convention held annually in New Jersey. The Official East Coast Star Trek Convention is taking place August 13 – 15, 2010 at the Hilton Parsippany. And I am happy to report that I will be there on Saturday to cover the convention for those of you who can’t make it to that one either.
Convention Advice, Upcoming Conventions »
Our Picks for Must See Sunday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010
Every year we cry a little bit about not making it out to California for San Diego Comic-Con International (or SDCC for short). Even though we won’t be attending SDCC 2010, we have looked over the schedule and created a list of “must see” events and panels that we would attend if we were there. Since that programming list so incredibly long, we’re breaking down these recommendations into specific days. So without further ado, here is The Convention Fans Blog List of Must See Sunday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010.
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Our Picks for Must See Saturday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010
Every year we cry a little bit about not making it out to California for San Diego Comic-Con International (or SDCC for short). Even though we won’t be attending SDCC 2010, we have looked over the schedule and created a list of “must see” events and panels that we would attend if we were there. Since that programming list so incredibly long, we’re breaking down these recommendations into specific days. So without further ado, here is The Convention Fans Blog List of Must See Saturday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010.
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Our Picks for Must See Friday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010
Every year we cry a little bit about not making it out to California for San Diego Comic-Con International (or SDCC for short). Even though we won’t be attending SDCC 2010, we have looked over the schedule and created a list of “must see” events and panels that we would attend if we were there. Since that programming list so incredibly long, we’re breaking down these recommendations into specific days. So without further ado, here is The Convention Fans Blog List of Must See Friday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010.
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Our Picks for Must See Thursday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010
Every year we cry a little bit about not making it out to California for San Diego Comic-Con International (or SDCC for short). We’re a bunch of East Coast con-goers here at The Convention Fans Blog, and SDCC is happening July 22 – 25 at the San Diego Convention Center. Even though we won’t be attending SDCC 2010, we have looked over the schedule and created a list of “must see” events and panels that we would attend if we were there. Since that programming list so incredibly long, we’re breaking down these recommendations into specific days. So without further ado, here is The Convention Fans Blog List of Must See Thursday Programming at San Diego Comic-Con 2010.
Upcoming Conventions »
Nikola Tesla Energy Independence Celebrations and Conference Happening this Weekend
I tend to shy away from posting non-fandom conventions and conferences here, but I decided to make an exception for the Nikola Tesla Energy Independence Celebration and Conference. Why? This celebration includes Tesla coil demonstrations, contests, music and vendors, some of which may be of interest to the convention going crowd. And did I mention a lot of it was free? Yeah, there’s that.
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Wizard Entertainment Hosts “Buffyfest” – A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Event at New England Comic Con 2010
Wizard Entertainment is bringing six cast members from Buffy and Angel to their inaugural Wizard World New England Comic Con for an event dubbed “Buffyfest.” Wizard World’s New England Comic Con is happening October 15-17, 2010 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts. The Buffy franchise celebs currently scheduled to appear include James Marsters, Charisma Carpenter, Nicholas Brendon, Amber Benson, Clare Kramer and Mercedes McNab.
Costuming/Cosplay, Upcoming Conventions »
The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball Happening this July
The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball is a two-day event based on “Venetian Histories, Celtic Faerie and Goblin Lore” (and well, the movie Labyrinth). I realize this isn’t technically a convention, but it’s close enough for me and it sounds too cool not to mention. Now celebrating its 13th year, the The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball is happening July 16 – 17, 2010 at the Park Plaza in Los Angeles, California. Doors open at 8 p.m.
Upcoming Conventions »
Three Rivers Con – A One Day Tennessee Gaming Convention
Not everyone can make it out to Origins this weekend (one of the biggest gaming conventions in the United States). If you’d still like to get your game on at a convention this weekend, check out Three Rivers Con, a one day gaming con in Knoxville, Tennessee. It is being held June 26, 2010 at Fountainhead College.
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Star Wars Celebration V Could be Epic
Last time I wrote about Star Wars Celebration V, Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) was the only person on the guest list and not a whole lot more was known. Boy have things changed in the past few months. There is seemingly little doubt that Star Wars Celebration V is going to be a fandom convention of downright galactic proportions. And oh yeah, this guy named George Lucas will be there, and he’s being interviewed by this other guy named John Stewart.
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Reminder: Shore Leave 32 is Almost Here!
Last year one of my favorite conventions was Shore Leave. It was a nice mid-sized con that offered a great mix of science fiction and actual science programming, along with interesting celebrity Q&As, and vendors. Shore Leave is a fan-run convention held in Baltimore, Maryland (USA). It is happening July 9-11, 2010 at the Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn.
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USA Fandom Conventions this Weekend – June 11 – 13, 2010
Looking for something to do this weekend? Believe it or not, almost every weekend there are dozens of fandom conventions occurring all over the world. Some are large corporate-run “official” conventions that may be hard to get into on short notice, and some are tiny fan-run conventions that would probably love to have a few more people show up. Below
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Superman Celebration – A Weekend Dedicated to Superman
There are hundreds of comic book conventions happening each year in the United States, but very few superheros can say they have a whole weekend dedicated entirely to them. Superman Celebration is a fandom convention/event dedicated to one of the most legendary superheros: Superman. The event is happening June 10 – 13, 2010 in Metropolis, Illinois, at Superman Square and
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New Jersey Supernatural Convention – July 9 – 11, 2010
If you’re a fan of the hit television show Supernatural, you may be interested to know that Creation Entertainment is hosting an East Coast “Salute to Supernatural” convention in New Jersey this July. The event is being held July 9 – 11, 2010 at the Hilton Parsippany Hotel in Parsippany, New Jersey. Read below for the guest list, activities, and
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Wizard World Philly is Coming Up (And Did We Mention Patrick Stewart Will Be There?)
Wizard World Philly, also known as Philadelphia Comic Con, is less than two weeks away! The convention is happening June 11 – 13, 2010, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Center City, Philadelphia. It is hosted by Wizard Entertainment, a company that runs fandom conventions in major cities across the United States and in parts of Canada. -> Read More:
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Phoenix Comicon Happening This Weekend! (Plus New Guest Announcements)
Phoenix Comicon is an Arizona (USA) convention being held May 27 – 30, 2010 at the Phoenix Convention Center and The Hyatt Regency. Entering its ninth year, Phoenix Comicon is expected to draw over 10,000+ attendees in 2010. Believe me when I say I am totally jealous of all 10,000+ people that are getting to attend this killer convention. You’ll
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Dragonflight – The Best Gaming Convention in the Pacific Northwest!
Dragonflight is a convention that started back in 1980 and today it is one of the longest running gaming conventions in the USA’s Pacific Northwest. This convention brings together more than 500 players and game masters to play in or run around 300 events spread over three days. Dragonflight XXXI is happening August 13 – 15, 2010 at the Bellevue
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Reminder: National Halloween Convention and The Steampunk World’s Fair 2010 Coming Up!
The Convention Fans Blog / team are preparing for two great upcoming conventions in the month of May! The first of these events is the The National Halloween and National Haunters Convention. This year the National Halloween and National Haunters Convention is being held April 29 – May 2, 2010 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (USA), at the Valley Forge
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Otakon 2010 – A Baltimore, Maryland Anime Convention
Otakon is an annual celebration of Japanese and East Asian popular culture, and one of the largest anime conventions in the United States. This fan-run convention keep growing, and attracted over 25,000 attendees in 2009. Because it is one of the bigger cons, if you want to attend you really should plan ahead. Otakon 2010 is taking place July 30
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Upcoming Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis / Universe Conventions for 2010
Just as we’ve done articles for upcoming Twilight and Doctor Who conventions, we wanted to highlight upcoming conventions for the Stargate franchise. Stargate, of course, includes the SG-1 series, Atlantis, and Universe. There are several fan-run Stargate conventions, as well as an “official” series of conventions hosted by Creation Entertainment. While you’ll frequently find Stargate guests at multi-fandom cons around
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Upcoming Torchwood / Doctor Who Conventions for 2010 – 2011
Doctor Who, the incredibly famous science fiction franchise based in the UK, has had fandom conventions since the 1970s, and they are still going strong. Although fans can often find Doctor Who programming, events, and guests at general sci-fi cons all over the world, there are some conventions dedicated entirely to the good Doctor, his companions, his movies, TV series,
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Carrie Fisher to Attend Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando, Florida
Check the date – this is no April Fool’s Day joke. Carrie Fisher is officially on the guest list for Star Wars Celebration V. Star Wars Celebration is the official Star Wars convention series, and it occurs every few years at different cities across the globe (the last two were in Japan and England). For 2010, it is happening in
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Official East Coast Star Trek Convention Returning to New Jersey
If you’re a Star Trek fan who can’t make it out to the big Las Vegas Star Trek convention, you may be happy to know that Creation Entertainment is bringing back their Official East Coast Star Trek Convention to New Jersey. The Official East Coast Star Trek Convention is taking place August 13 – 15, 2010 at the Hilton Parsippany
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The Famous Monsters Convention – An Indiana Horror Convention
Anime and sci-fi/fantasy fans aren’t the only ones with fandom conventions. Are you a horror fan? You’re in luck, because almost every major city in the United States has it’s own horror convention these days, and Indianapolis, Indiana is no exception. The Famous Monsters Convention is a horror con that takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana, and it is being held July
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The Official Twilight Convention – Cities, Guest Lists, Details, and More
What’s the latest fandom convention craze? Twilight conventions. They are in just about every major city in America. Some are fan run (and not for profit). Some are run by for-profit entities. But only one company can say they run the “Official” Twilight conventions, and that’s Creation Entertainment (the same company responsible for Star Trek, Stargate, Xena, Firefly, Supernatural, and
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Upcoming Toronto, Canada Fandom Conventions for 2010
Although The Convention Fans Blog is based in the United States, I wanted to take an entry to highlight some upcoming fandom conventions in the Toronto area of Canada (all of the conventions below are within 120 miles of Toronto). I’ll be doing the same for other areas of Canada in the future! Let’s get on with the Canadian conventions,
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TooManyGames – An East Coast Gaming Convention
The Convention Fans Blog/ is happy to announce that we will be attending TooManyGames, a one-day gaming convention located on the east coast of the United States. It is being held April 18th, 2010, 10am-6pm at the The Inn at Reading in Reading, Pennsylvania (USA). TooManyGames features a marketplace with dozens of vendors; a gaming room with Atari, NES, NeoGeo,
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Anime Expo – The Largest Anime/Manga Convention in the United States
There’s no doubt that Anime Expo is one of the most talked about anime conventions in the United States. In fact, it’s the nation’s largest anime/manga convention (over 40,000 attendees). It even uses the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live for many of the main events. This year, Anime Expo is taking place July 1 – 4, 2010 at the Los Angeles
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Hurricane Who: Category Two – A Doctor Who Sci-Fi Convention in Orlando (USA)
Hurricane Who is a Doctor Who convention held in Orlando, Florida (USA). This year, it is happening October 29 through October 31, 2010 at the Doubletree Resort Orlando hotel. Hurricane Who is run by a fan group that organizes ‘Doctor Who’ events in the Orlando, Florida area, and 2010 marks the second year for the convention. Guests for the 2010
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The Official Star Trek Convention: Creation’s Las Vegas Trek Con
Creation Entertainment is the host of the Official Star Trek Convention, held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. For 2010, it is happening August 5 – 8, 2010 at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel (even though the Hilton no longer has the Star Trek Experience exhibit). Just as with years past, the 2010 con is shaping up to be another
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Our Farpoint 2010 Coverage Details and Schedule
We’re very excited to be heading out to Farpoint 2010 tonight! Farpoint is a Maryland science fiction media convention being held at the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North in Maryland (USA) on February 12th-14th, 2010. The full guest list currently includes: Felicia Day (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog / The Guild / Dollhouse), Sam Witwer (Smallville / Star Wars: The Force Unleashed), Mira
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FedCon – Europe’s Biggest Star Trek and Sci-Fi Convention
Although The Convention Fans Blog is mostly geared towards fandom conventions in the US and Canada, I wanted to take a moment to post about FedCon, which is Europe’s biggest Star Trek and sci-fi convention. This year, FedCon is being held April 30 – May 2nd, 2010, at the Maritim Hotel Bonn in Germany. FedCon is celebrating it’s 19th year
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PAX East Sells Out of 3-Day Passes
PAX stands for Penny Arcade Expo, a convention born from the Penny Arcade web-comic. For the past few years, PAX was a once a year convention held in Seattle over the summer, but for the first time, there is to be an East coast version too. For 2010, that location is Boston. Read more about ticket availability, and Wil Wheaton’s
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The National Halloween and National Haunters Convention 2010
The National Halloween and National Haunters Convention is an event that brings together professional haunters, amateur home haunters, Halloween decorators, antique collectors, horror film fans, and history buffs all under the one umbrella of the holiday. This year the National Halloween and National Haunters Convention is being held April 29 – May 2, 2010 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (USA), at
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JordanCon 2010: A Robert Jordan/Wheel of Time Convention
Fandom conventions come in all sizes and exist for almost every imaginable niche audience out there. One such niche convention is JordanCon, a convention dedicated to author Robert Jordan and his epic series The Wheel of Time. Created in 2009, the convention is back for 2010! JordanCon 2010 is being called “The SeanCon Invasion” and will be taking place April
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MegaCon: A Central Florida Multi-Genre Convention
MegaCon is a pretty major convention in the central Florida area. It’s been around for years, and since 2005 it’s been sponsored by Coliseum of Comics. However, despite the comics sponsorship, MegaCon caters to sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and anime fans, as well as comic book fans. I actually attended this convention three or four years in a row (but haven’t
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A&G Ohio: An Animation and Gaming Convention
I’ve got another great convention to mention, this time in Ohio (USA). A&G Ohio (short for Animation & Gaming Ohio) is being held March 12 – 14, 2010, at the Holiday Inn Eastgate in Cincinnati. Guests include: Troy Baker (voice actor; “Abel Nightroad” in Trinity Blood), D.C. Douglas (voice actor), Gavin Goszka (musician), Chris Patton (voice actor; “Sousuke” in Full
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Robotech Kicks Off 25th Anniversary Celebration at Animation On Display

Robotech, “a sweeping science-fiction anime epic of humans defending their homeworld against alien domination,” is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a tour of various anime conventions across the United States. The celebration will all start in San Francisco this January 30-31, 2010, at Animation On Display (AOD), San Francisco’s very own Japanese anime and cartoon convention! Three key figures behind
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Shore Leave 32: A Fan-Run Science Fiction Convention
As you can tell from some of my more recent posts, we’ve been lining up our convention appearances for 2010. In addition to the recent announcements that we’ll be attending Farpoint and PAX East, I’m also pleased to announce that we’ll be attending Shore Leave 32 as well! Shore Leave is a fan-run science fiction convention held in Baltimore, Maryland
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Farpoint 2010: A Maryland Science Fiction Media Convention
The Convention Fans Blog/ team is very excited to report that we’ll be attending Farpoint, a Maryland science fiction media convention! It is being held at the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North in Maryland (USA) on February 12th-14th, 2010. From the official website: “Farpoint is an annual gathering for fans of all genres of imaginative fiction – Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror,
Steampunk, Upcoming Conventions »
The Steampunk World’s Fair: A Three-Day Expedition into Yesterday’s Future
The Convention Fans Blog/ team is very excited to report that we’ll be attending an incredible event in May: The Steampunk World’s Fair! It is being held in at the Radisson of Piscataway in New Jersey on May 14th-16th, 2010. From the official website: “[The Steampunk World's Fair] is the first East Coast event to welcome Steampunks, Neo-Victorians, Retro-futurists, Gas